Prevention in dentistry is very common in patients of Pediatric Dentistry, but a precautionary approach is also important for life.
It is true that the development of caries in children occurs more quickly, so the concern and the control, at least every six months during childhood. In cases where the dentist identifies a greater propensity to decay, you can even indicate a reduction in the period of return of the patient to the doctor's Office. In adulthood, the half-yearly control is ideal, but the space between visits can be decreased if the dentist identifies a high incidence of cavities, tartar or increased susceptibility to periodontal disease, or increase it if deems necessary. The absence of the patient in Office for extended period of time can lead to the development of problems that could be prevented or detected at an early stage, with less loss of tooth structure and bone and periodontal or. A cavity formed in six months on the tooth surface structure can be easily restored in a session, have the same cavity left untreated, can spread by the internal structure of the tooth pulp and consequently the nerve of the tooth. In this situation, the cavity causes an inflammation of the nerve leading to pulpitis which generates the toothache. When this occurs, it is necessary the Endodontic treatment and a greater restoration, since the tooth lost enough structure, it is often necessary to a graft, onlay or Crown with spikes to rebuild the tooth. Continuing with the philosophy of prevention, a cavity that initially could be removed and restored with composite resin, can evolve and in future need a much more complex treatment, which is done in multiple sessions. There are patients who do not have much tendency to develop cavities and feel released periodic control, but there are other oral problems can manifest themselves quietly and that should also be avoided. The formation of tartar cause gingival inflammation that is painless, however can lead to loss of bone structure and gingival retractions which are irreversible. It is very common for patients who never had cavities or has a low rate of cavities develop periodontal disease in adulthood. In addition to the loss of tooth structure and irreversible, periodontal treatment time may increase considerably, as well as the cost of treatment rises due to the greater number and complexity of procedures necessary to re-establish the health and function of the dental element.
The Project has this view Smiles dental health and preventive practices a return system advising the patient when you return to the Office.