Brushing a child’s characteristics are dependent on various factors, but essentially the same age. Thus, in accordance with the norms of the General Directorate of health:
-0-3 Years: brushing held by parents from the eruption of the first tooth, 2 x/day (a mandatory at bedtime), using a gauze, BA or soft brush of appropriate size.
-3-6 Years: held by the child, gradually brushing properly supervised and assisted, 2 x/day (one of which is compulsory at bedtime), using soft brush of appropriate size. The amount of toothpaste fluoretado (1000-1500 ppm) should be similar to the size of the nail of the fifth toe.
-6 years: brushing > held the child, properly supervised and assisted if you do not have manual dexterity enough, 2 x/day (one of which is compulsory at bedtime), using soft brush (or average). The amount of toothpaste fluoretado (1000-1500 ppm) should be the size of a small pea or even 1 cm of toothpaste.